Year 2 - Wonderful Wonder

Miss Bull - Classteacher

Mrs Paget, Mrs Bashir - Teaching Assistant

Teacher's Comments

Welcome to Wonder Class! We are named after the inspiring musician, Stevie Wonder. Stevie Wonder is a musician who has faced many challenges in his life. He is blind, which would make you think playing a keyboard would be impossible but he persevered and succeeded in being one of the best soulful musicians in the world.

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In Year 2, I want us all to demonstrate resilience just like Stevie Wonder and whenever you are faced with a challenge, I want you to persevere and show determination. You will be learning so many new things this year and you will need to make sure that you are showing your families all of your new skills at home too. Make sure that you are logged into your Google Classroom so that we can share wonderful pictures and videos of everything we are doing at school

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We have some excellent projects this year including 'Turrets and Tiaras', 'Fire, Fire!', 'Jungle all the way', 'Beachcombers' and 'Street Detectives'.

I cannot wait for you to make me the proudest teacher by working hard, being kind and trying your best in everything you do.

We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.

Stevie Wonder