Congratulations to our new PALs team 2024-2025
This term will see the re-launch of our weekly playground initiative P.A.L.S (Playground Activities Leaders) at lunchtime. This is an introduction into leadership, giving children knowledge of how to organise and lead small games and activities for their peers.
There are opportunities for the young playground leaders to:
- Develop leadership skills such as - organisation, communication and teamwork
- Build confidence and self-esteem
- Be responsible for leading their peers and groups of younger children
- Increase the variety of play experiences available for the children promoting physical, social and creative opportunities
- Improve children's choices and positive behaviours on the playground
- Reflect and evaluate on what is working and areas for further development
The initiative will continue to build upon and develop the playzones that were established a few years ago. Resources have been purchased and members of staff identified to target play outside to include arts and crafts, games and puzzles, reading zone as well as the more traditional active play involving our trim trail. We continue to review and reflect upon how successful playtimes are outside and the positive experiences that they bring for all children.