News Flash

Week commencing 24th February

Lonesome Primary School
Monday 24th February Movie Night for identified children
Wednesday 26th February Year 3 and 4 Multi Skills Festival (selected children)
Thursday 27th February from 3.30 pm PAR Day meetings-Macmillan fundraiser
Friday 28th February PAR Day - school closed other than for scheduled appointments
Tuesday 25th February Borough Class to the library
Thursday 27th February Reception and Year 6 height and Weight
Thursday 27th February from 3.30 pm PAR Day meetings-MacMillan fundraiser
Friday 28th February PAR Day - school closed other than for scheduled appointments
Monday 24th February Move Night for identified children
Tuesday 25th February Potter Class to the library
Thursday 27th February from 3.30 pm PAR Day meetings-MacMillan fundraiser
Friday 28th February PAR Day - school closed other than for scheduled appointments