News Flash

Week commencing 1st July

Lonesome Primary School
Monday 1st July Year 5 and 6 Rounders Competition (selected children)
w/c Monday 1st July Last week of extra-curricular activities
Monday 1st July Express Yourself Day
Tuesday 2nd July Wilberforce and Roots non-school uniform day for Summer Carnival donations
Wednesday 3rd July Year 1 and 2 Sports Day
Wednesday 3rd July Milne, Lincoln, Mandela and Pankhurst non-school uniform day for Summer Carnival donations
Wednesday 3rd July Raffle tickets on sale
Thursday 4th July Wonder, Donaldson, Da Vinci and Buble non-school uniform day for Summer Carnival donations
Friday 5th July Year 5 and 6 Sports Day at the David Weir Stadium, Sutton Arena
Friday 5th July Wonder class to the library
Friday 5th July Einstein and Livingstone non-school uniform day for Summer Carnival donations
Monday 1st July Year 5 and 6 Rounder Competition (selected children)
w/c Monday 1st July Last week of extra-curricular activities
Monday 1st July Express Yourself Day
Wednesday 3rd July Year 1 and 2 Sports Day
Thursday 4th July from 3.30 pm Drama Group performance
Friday 5th July Year 5 and 6 Sports Day at the David Weir Stadium, Sutton Arena
Monday 1st July Year 5 and 6 Rounder Competition (selected children)
w/cMonday 1st July Last week of extra-curricular activities
Monday 1st July Express Yourself Day
Tuesday 2nd July Mozart class to the library
Tuesday 2nd July Attenborough, Rowling and Beckham non-school uniform day for Summer Carnival donations
Wednesday 3rd July Year 1 and 2 Sports Day
Wednesday 3rd July Raffle tickets on sale
Wednesday 3rd July Farah non-school uniform day for Summer Carnival donations
Thursday 4th July Gates and Potter class non-school uniform day for Summer Carnival donations
Thursday 4th July Book Borrow
Friday 5th July Armstrong, Holmes and Kingsley non-school uniform day for Summer Carnival donations
Friday 5th July Year 5 and 6 Sports Day at the David Weir Stadium, Sutton Arena