Year 2 - Musical Mozart

Miss Smith - Classteacher

Teacher's Comments

Welcome to marvellous Mozart Class! We are a wonderful group of young learners who aspire to be successful in all that we do, as well as explore new skills and undertake new challenges, just like Wolfgang Mozart. Our class is named after him, as he was a very famous Austrian composer who was widely respected for his hard work and skillset as a musician too.

Determination and perseverance are our priorities in Mozart Class so that we can learn and explore new things to acquire new skills. One of the most important ways to do this is by asking questions to understand new concepts, in order to create inquisitive little minds and eager learners.

To kick-start our fabulous learning this year, we will be travelling to London through our stories in our first project: ‘I Love London!’. Later on in the year, we will be exploring other projects such as ‘Moon Zoom’ and whizz our way through space, as well as ‘Paws, Claws and Whiskers’ to investigate big cats! We will also delve into a very popular project called ‘Dinosaur Discovery’ where we will learn about palaeontologists and the different types of dinosaurs that used to roam our Earth. I wonder if there will be any future palaeontologists in Mozart Class this year…

Magnificent Mozart Class is filled with ambitious learning this year and we cannot wait to explore this with you!

If one has the talent it pushes for, it will come without questioning

Wolfgang Mozart