Year 2 - Musical Mozart

Mrs Jenkins - Classteacher

Mrs Keys - Teaching Assistant

Teacher's Comments

Welcome to Mozart Class

Just like our class name, we draw inspiration from one of the greatest classical composers of all time. He accomplished so much through hard work and determination and is a true inspiration. Similar to Mozart and his love and passion for music, our class is built around the ethos that all children have unique talents and together we can reach our full potential through hard work, enthusiasm, and engaging learning experiences. We aim for all children to have the best learning opportunities possible. Our lessons are created to mirror our children's diverse and cultural backgrounds so that learning is not only relevant but also embraces our uniqueness as a federation.

  • Class photo
  • Class photo
  • Class photo
  • Class photo

Collaboration and teamwork are essential in our classroom as we are not just class members, but a team collaborating together. We encourage the children to be an active part of their learning experience and promote exploration and investigation.

Together as a class, we have such an exciting year ahead of us: This year, we will be learning all about the mighty jungle and discovering the history of our local area. Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Tudor during the reign of King Henry? Well guess what, you will be able to become a real-life Tudor for the whole day! We will be traveling back in time to find out all about the infamous King VIII. We will also be exploring the depths of the jungle with some well-known characters, being street detectives and discovering what life is like on the coast.

I am excited to have a fun-filled year getting to know all of your wonderful children better.