Miss Silcock - Classteacher
Mrs Tallant, Mrs Mowatt - Teaching Assistant
Teacher's Comments
I am really excited to be joining William Morris this year in Monet Class. I can’t wait to start our learning journey together in September and I really look forward to watching you all grow throughout the year – both physically and mentally!
Like our class namesake, we will strive to be leaders of our own learning and unswerving when faced with challenges. Sometimes, learning isn’t easy but in our friendly and supportive classroom, we will be able to overcome any challenge that comes our way. Monet is famous for depicting the same scenes in his paintings and as a class, we will mirror this through our willingness to take risks and show great resilience so that those things that seem difficult at the time, become easier by the day.
Through the course of the year, we will adventure into the Mayan Civilisation, explore the depths of space and dive into the Arctic Circle to discover the importance of sustainability. I do hope that you are all eager to set off on this journey with me as our love of learning, and thirst for knowledge, deepens.