Year 4 - Mandela

Miss Mallcott - Classteacher

Teacher's Comments

Welcome to marvellous Mandela Class. This academic year, we will be striving to accomplish amazing things and will always try our hardest to be the best that we can be. We will be respectful of each other, treating others how we would like to be treated. In our class, the aim is to make learning fun, challenging, creative and supportive for all learners

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Our class is named after Nelson Mandela who was a South African president. Nelson Mandela believed that everyone should live together in harmony with equal opportunities. In Mandela class we will all have the same opportunities to thrive, we will help each other to shine and celebrate each other's successes. We will do our best to persevere even when things are hard, just like Nelson Mandela.

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This will be a busy year with many exciting topics. We will be travelling far back in time to visit ancient Rome, travelling to the depths of the oceans and fight battles with the Saxons. We will meet an extraordinary boy who learns that he has amazing powers as he battles the forces of evil. Miss Mallcott is excited to be coming on this learning journey with you and hopes that you are ready and raring, to jump into this exciting journey together.

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Adults are always very welcome in Mandela Class. We would love you to come and visit us so we can share our knowledge and accomplishments with our parents.

Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.

Nelson Mandela
