Year 4 - Kennington

Miss Robinson - Classteacher

Teacher's Comments

We areā€¦
Not negative

Welcome to Kind Kennington Class, filled with learners who inspire and build each other up every day! We are kind to everyone and celebrate what makes us all different. We can all learn from our differences and work brilliantly together as a team.

During our first term in Year 4, we will focus on 'potions', where you will learn about the history of medicine and be sorted into houses, as we read through the fantastic Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Our journey continues with our topic of City Living, where we will learn about the geography of the UK and read the book Varjak Paw. We will then travel back in time to explore the Romans, examining their conquest over our island and beyond. Following on from this, we will learn about the Vikings as well as a Road Trip in the USA.

Alongside learning about these intriguing topics, you will be developing your own experiments to answer questions you might have about our captivating Science projects this year. As we start the year, you will investigate how matter changes state. Throughout the rest of the year, you will investigate how rain is formed, what it means to hear sounds, how to create a working circuit, explore what it means to be a conductor, and investigate the causes of lightning strikes.

In Kind Kennington Class we strive to do our best and look forward to a brilliant year!