The Junior Travel Ambassador

The Junior Travel Ambassador (JTA) scheme is a national initiative that encourages peer-to-peer engagement and is used to promote safer, active and independent travel within the school community. It's a fun and engaging way to spread important messages and build skills for life. The JTA scheme aims to take a more direct approach to promoting independent travel, particularly for the children in Years 4 to 6, who may now be travelling to and from school independently.

Our elected Junior Travel Ambassadors for this academic year are:

  • Muhammad
    Attenborough Class

  • Areeba
    Attenborough Class

  • Salim
    Monet Class

  • Elise
    Monet Class

How do I become a JTA?

The scheme is offered to the children in our Year Five class. Miss Akhtar meets with the classes at the beginning of the year to explain what the role involves and to share the job description outlining what is expected from all of our JTA's. Children are then asked to complete application forms for the role noting their interests, strengths and why they feel that they would be a suitable candidate. Previous members of the JTA team then meet together with Mrs Bull and the members of the Senior Management Team to make their selection.

  • Class photo
  • Class photo

What's involved in being a JTA?

Our selected Junior Travel Ambassadors are actively involved in planning the different ways in which safer, active and independent travel can be encouraged and supported across the school. Their work includes leading on and running projects and assemblies, organising workshops and competitions to share ideas on travel planning and learning how to use Transport for London's Journey Planner. There are a number of themes that the children explore each half term such as learning about the green cross code, 'belt up' - travelling in cars, cycling safety and more. We work in partnership with Merton's Road Safety Officer, Charmaine Jacques. Once the candidates have been nominated and selected she is then invited to attend our awards assembly where the successful children are presented with their JTA badges and information packs. Charmaine then meets with the newly appointed team to discuss projects that they can begin working on.

What have the JTA's achieved?

Our JTAs have worked hard to implement a number of campaigns and strategies to support safer and more sustainable travel at William Morris, such as educating the school on the importance of 'being safe and being seen' during the darker winter months, with competitions to 'hip up' your helmet and 'bunny up' your bike! These are but a few of the creative and innovative ideas the children have brought to the school.