Year 6 - Gates

Mrs Killick - Classteacher

Teacher's Comments

Welcome back to Gates Class. This year we will be striving to live up to our name sake- Bill Gates. Bill Gates is an incredible business magnate, generous philanthropist and creator. Using his example, we in Gates Class, will aim to show kindness and generosity to all, be creative, inventive and leave our mark.

Gates class will be full of life. We will be energetic, enthusiastic and have a great attitude to learning. Curiosity is key in our classroom; never stop wanting to find out more and ask why. Ask questions, find things out for yourself and above all, never give up, even when you think it is impossible (I will tell you secret…nothing is impossible). We will all be active learners and never shy away from an opportunity to showcase our skills-or flex our muscles! Health and fitness is vital in keeping our minds active and our bodies in tip-top condition! I expect to see us all trying our best in our weekly PE sessions, daily miles and classroom movement breaks-I have some GREAT ones to share with you that will be sure to get your hearts pumping!

We have an incredible year ahead of us: we will be traveling back in time to smog filled streets of Victorian London and the life changing time of WWII. We will be exploring the vast and majestic Polar Regions and learning how we can keep our minds and bodies healthy. Before all that excitement, we will be exploring the world of crime and punishment and finding out if digging holes really can build character.

Throughout the year, we will be developing our collaborative skills; teamwork, perseverance and leadership are the cornerstones of Gates Class. Bill Gates would not be as successful if it were not for the partnerships he has made throughout his life. Every member of his staff has a vital role to play in the success of his many ventures so, like Mr Gates and his Microsoft Company, the members of Gates can only be successful with the support of their classmates. To showcase these skills, our year will end with an array of exciting events and activities including a residential trip to France with the other Year 6 classes from across the ‘Be Different’ Federation.

I am excited to start working with you and getting to know you all better.

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited of what could go right