Sustainability Information
Our rationale:
- To work to improve the health of the whole school community by equipping children and their families with ways to establish healthy eating habits that benefit both themselves and the environment.
- We will provide high quality food education and food in school to help ensure that our community makes informed food choices.

Learning opportunities:
- To share the experience of a meal together with family and friends.
- To understand the process of food production and sustainability through growing, cooking and eating.
- To plan for the scientific skills that explore the growing of food.
- To develop an understanding and experience of the skills required in preparing and cooking foods.
Our expectations for this year
Farm Visits
Rationale: To provide children with an opportunity to see a real life working farm that will deepen their understanding of where food comes from.
Year 6
Rationale: To provide children with an opportunity to visit a farm to see the production of crops and harvest their own vegetables to produce a meal.
Environmental Spring Fair
This will take place at WM on Friday 27th March 2020
Lonesome on Thursday 26th March 2020
SG on Tuesday 24th March 2020.
The fair will start straight after school at 3:30pm. This is a great opportunity for us to build on the great work from the BeDifferent Federated project. It will also count as valuable evidence towards the silver and bronze Food for Life awards.
We will invite local businesses/organisations to come and promote their 'Eco' ideas to the school. We hope that this event may raise funds towards further development of the school for the children's benefit. We will ask for a donation of £10.00 per stall holder (£5.00 for parents who want to set up a stall). We hope to have refreshments provided. If you would like to be involved in the organising team for this event please see Claire/Sarah/Richard.
This event will also provide a link to the learning from the summer term project. It is important that the children understand the theory behind the Environmental Fair.
Rationale: To explore ways of encouraging the school community to adopt environmental friendly ways of living (sustainable ways of living).
We would like all year groups to explore a particular area based on the rationale of the Environmental Fair.
Each year group should work together to:
Either: Produce something to sell at the fair taking the environment into account.
Or; produce an activity/game/ quiz that will show visitors what the children have been learning about and how this will help look after our environment. Each year group should display on their table what they have been learning about how to look after the environment following the principals of Reduce, Reuse, recycles.
FS – use of composting in school/ fruit waste:
- Year 1 – milk cartons; can they be Recycled? Reused? Reduced?
- Year 2 – How to reduce litter in school
- Year 3 – How to make a reduced sugar packed lunch.
- Year 4 – How to reduce waste from school dinners?
- Year 5 – How to produce a sustainably wrapped packed lunch
- Year 6 – Are we really trying hard enough to reduce our carbon footprint?
Those children who are eco warriors will have the opportunity to get involved with organising the Fair.
For Spring 1 and the Summer term, where possible, all children are to have hands on experiences of planting, maintaining and harvesting. To allow all classes to try and make full use of the growing area there is a weekly rota where all year groups should take on the responsibility for their piece of the garden as part of the afternoon session. The children could be allocated a session so all children will get at least 1 session in the garden. Each Year group will have a plot allocated to them where they should decide what to grow as a year. Choose something simple eg lettuce/ radish/ tomatoes. Grow something simple the children can then prepare (cook) and eat. It is important that Year group partners decide how this is to operate between classes and class teachers build this into their weekly planning to allow groups of children on a weekly basis to be supported by an adult in the garden.
The gardening sessions may be linked to Mental Fitness themed days promoting the 'wellbeing' benefits of gardening.
Sharing food with families
Come Dine with Me
Year 2 and 5 families will be invited to join an evening of cooking and tasting, by preparing a dish at home and bringing it to school to share with others. Participants then score other dishes to find the winning dish. A prize hamper is awarded to the winning dish
Harvest Assembly
Singlegate and William Morris – Tuesday 29th October 2019
Lonesome – Wednesday 30th October 2019
Again this year we will be collecting goods to be shared with those who need them in the community. It is hoped an assembly will again be led by the Wimbledon Food Bank and foods collected distributed by this charity
Dinner is Served
Year 6 classes will prepare food in school on a budget and invite families to pay a small entrance fee to come and eat a three course meal in school, served to them by their children
Family Feasts
Foundation Stage classes to take part in Family Feast Days – parents are invited to join their child for a hot school lunch.
Themed lunches
Roast dinner day 13th November
- SG Years 3 & 4
- WM Years 1 & 2
- Lonesome Years 3 & 4
Celebration rules involving food
- Birthday cakes will not be given out by class teacher. Please encourage healthier options e.g. popcorn or fruit or alternatives eg a book for the library.
- Class celebrations to be co-ordinated so that no school lunch is cooked that day.
- Party food lists to be predominantly healthy.
- We are a NUT/FIZZY DRINK-FREE school
Eco Warriors:
Teachers need to allocate roles to 3 children in your class and hand the names to Sarah/Claire/ Richard by Friday 20th September. A communal display in school will show the names and photos of the chosen children and badges will also be presented to each child.
These ECO Warriors will be;
- Recycling Rangers (link member of the team is Ruba/Teresa)
- Compost Collectors (link member of the team is Jane/ Leyah)
- Litter Lieutenants (link member of the team is Joy/ Jenny)