Year 3 - Fantastic Farah

Mrs Evans - Classteacher

Miss Wellburn - Teaching Assistant

Teacher's Comments

We are the Fabulous Farah Class or maybe just call us the Farah Fitness Fanatics. We are named after Sir Mo Farah, CBE, who is a multiple Olympic, World and European Champion athlete. For many he is Britain's greatest ever athlete having accumulated 10 global titles which includes the 'double double' of gold medals over 5,000m and 10,000m at both the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games. He holds numerous European and British Records and has the World Bests for 2 miles indoors (8:03.40) and the One Hour Run (21,330m).

  • Class photo
  • Class photo
  • Class photo

From the track Mo transitioned onto the roads and targeted the marathon. This new challenge started with a third place finish and new British Record at the 2018 London Marathon, and then went even better with victory and a new European Record of 2:05:11 at the 2018 Chicago Marathon.

Our classroom environment thrives on positive behaviours for learning and an optimistic outlook on life. Working as a team is how we will succeed and help everyone to achieve. Our successes will be learned through our failures and we will not be scared to fail otherwise we will never learn. Developing our understanding of new concepts by asking lots of questions is something that we really enjoy. In Farah class we are all brave learners!

This year Farah Class have an exciting year ahead of them. The children will be plummeted into a 'world of pure imagination' when we explore the amazing story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We'll become real life chocolatiers on our engage day as we learn about chocolate, whilst designing and creating our very own chocolate bars. In History, we are going back in time to ancient Greece and will be taking an imaginary look around rumbling volcanoes in our Geography sessions. We then continue our fabulous learning journey into The Incredible Stone Age. We cannot wait to learn about Neanderthals and become archaeologists!

We look forward to sharing our wonderful work with you throughout the year. We are excited about our learning journey this year and will endeavour to learn every step of the way, no matter what challenges we may face. Inner strength and team work will be the foundations to help us grow this year.

I'm the champion, and to stay ahead, I have to work harder. It has been a long journey, but if you dream and have the ambition and want to work hard, then you can achieve.

Mo Farah