Mrs Smith - Classteacher
Miss Yeats, Mrs Rahman, Mrs Yasir - Teaching Assistant
Teacher's Comments
Our class is named after Albert Einstein who thought of and discovered some amazing theories about light, matter, gravity, space and time. We are looking forward to becoming "Inquisitive Einstein" ourselves.
As for many of us this is the beginning of our learning journey, this will be an exciting time for Einstein Class where we will be learning lots of new skills that will help us throughout our lives. These skills include listening, communicating and cooperating.
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence.
A very important part of learning is to begin to learn how to read, make marks and count. In Einstein Class we learn best when we are having fun so, we take part in lots of independent and focused activities through play. There are many different activities in Einstein Class, which enable us to develop different skills. Exploring independently gives us the opportunity to think for ourselves and find out what learning means to us.
All families are encouraged to be part of their child's education and are always welcomed to come in and have a chat about their child as well as looking at the amazing work their child has been working on. We look forward to celebrating the achievement of Einstein Class together.