Miss Oliver-Tait - Classteacher
Mrs Dobson, Mrs Gould - Teaching Assistant
Teacher's Comments
Leonardo Da Vinci once said, 'Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets', which is something we aim to achieve in Da Vinci Class. In our class, we seek to empower, support and thrive through our learning experiences and we understand that, even though we are all unique, we will all be successful.
Year 6 provides many challenges, that enables us to thrive and explore the world through a different lens. We explore a variety of projects, such as World War 2, Let's Liberate and Guilty or Not Guilty - all of which seek to inspire, motivate and challenge our thinking. They provide space for open conversations that support our understanding of how we came to be who we are today, whilst developing an awareness for the difference in our society.
Alongside our exciting projects, we have many opportunities to express our best qualities. This may be through leading by example and being appointed as part of the Head Boy and Head Girl team, or this could be through enhancing our playground experiences as a Playground Peacemaker. These roles will encourage us to be responsible, selfless and most importantly, kind to one another.
Being the last year of primary school, Year 6 is about preparing for the wider world. Through celebrations, careful collaboration and thoughtful listening we are ready to face this adventure with resilience and patience.