Eco Warriors 2024-2025
Welcome to another Eco-Friendly year at William Morris Primary School. Our newly appointed Eco Warriors are excited to help make this our most sustainable year yet. The children are working on a termly rota so that more children have the opportunity to be part of our incredibly important eco-drive.
The children met with Mrs Wozniak to establish their individual Environmental aims and to talk about what they would like to achieve this year.
Our Eco Warriors for the autumn term 2024 are:

Madinah - Year 6
I pledge to encourage children throughout the school to stop wasting lots of food that could be eaten. I would like to benefit the environment for the better and encourage recycling, reuse and reduce.

Michael - Year 6
I pledge to make the school more eco friendly than in previous years. I pledge to help other year groups to reuse materials more than wasting resources.

Cillian - Year 5
I pledge to help everyone reduce plastics and make our school more environmentally friendly. I would like to reduce people using single use plastics.

Vinnie - Year 5
I pledge to ditch the driving and walk to the shops more. I would like to help people stop wasting food.

Keliesia - Year 4
My eco pledge is to be quick in the shower. I would like to help the world.

Joshua - Year 4
I pledge to help everyone reduce plastics and make our school more environmentally friendly. I would like to reduce people using single use plastics.

Abdalla - Year 4
My Eco pledge is to take a 4 minute shower. I wanted to be an eco-warrior to try something new.

Nairus - Year 4
My pledge is to not eat meat very day. I would like to save the world.

Lia - Year 3
I pledge to help people to litter less. I would like to eat less food and waste less food.

Felix - Year 3
I pledge to help keep the world clean. I want to help the world.

Shane - Year 3
My Eco pledge is to help the school to have less food waste. I would like to make the school a nice place.

Zunaira - Year 3
My Eco pledge is to help people pick up rubbish and help the world. I am aiming to join in with every eco meeting and not miss any events.

Mirta - Year 2
I pledge to help people have more energy by making people run or jog. I wanted to be an eco warrior to stop people wasting food.
Saleem - Year 2
I pledge to help people to stop wasting food. I will stop using my console for one hour every day to reduce electricity.
Eco Warrior Weekly Activities:
Eco Waste monitors: | At least once a week at lunchtime between 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm the children will work with the kitchen team to encourage children to eat their school dinner. They may also weigh and record the food waste figures (kg) in the Eco Waste book. The display board in the hall will then be updated weekly to reflect the amount of food waste. This activity will support our school menu planning so that we may identify any meals where food waste is particularly high. |
Litter pickers | Litter pickers |
Recycling rangers | The children will collect bins every Tuesday morning from all areas of the school and put these in the communal recycling bins ready for collection. |
Gardeners | Thursday 3.20 pm - 4.20 pm every week. |
Our Eco Warriors will be working alongside our Year 6 Eco Prefects and staff to form our Eco Committee. The Eco Committee will work alongside Mrs Wozniak and our Federated Eco Team to drive forward our initiatives for this academic year.
Working together with senior leaders, teachers, children and external agencies, we have the potential to develop positive, sustainable habits among our children that can last a lifetime and be invaluable from the day that they are learned. We may learn about where our food comes from and the Gardening Club will have a go at growing our own food. We find out about strategies for being more energy efficient for example using solar panels and having sensor switches on the lights.
We were accredited with the Eco Schools Distinction Award in 2024 for all of our work so far. Our focus this year includes:
- Applying for the Ocean Friendly School Award
- Continue to develop our growing and planting.
- Composting the fruit waste from all year groups.
- The promotion and development of recycling throughout the local community.
- Ongoing litter picking events to help clean up our local environment e.g. rivers, parks and the local community.
- Working with local groups and other schools to establish a School Working Group that tackles eco issues at the root