Year 5 - Brave Barbican

Mr Newman - Classteacher

Teacher's Comments

Welcome to Brave Barbican, where we strive to sharpen our skills, challenge ourselves and unearth any hidden talents that may be bubbling beneath the surface!

In our classroom, we work together to create a supportive and encouraging environment for expressing ourselves and celebrating what makes us all different. By respecting and celebrating each other's differences and sharing our ideas, we can continue to learn from each other in Year 5, as we did so well last year.

We are extremely excited to dive into a range of fascinating topics this year, which will take us to infinity and beyond. We will be exploring the captivating history of Egypt for our The Mummy Returns topic and will test our memories of the Roman Empire as a comparison. Our Medieval Mysteries topic will take us on a journey through the medieval period and compare it to modern day. Another exciting topic that awaits us this year is Stargazers, during where will travel past the edge of our atmosphere as we explore what lies beyond.

Exploration and investigation are key skills that we will focus on in Year 5, as we continue to think of our own questions to ask. What would you like to investigate or research? Do any of the answers we find raise other questions? Will the answers to your questions always be the same?

We hope that you are also excited to begin!