Year 5 - Amazing Attenborough

Mrs Sullivan - Classteacher

Miss Wellburn, Mrs Mowatt - Teaching Assistant

Teacher's Comments

It is an absolute pleasure to be continuing into Attenborough Class with you all this year. We continue to strive to be the best we can be, exploring and learning together, and embracing challenges.

This year we will begin our curriculum focus about space, using our scientific skills to explore, investigate, and develop our knowledge. We focus on key figures, exploring attainments and struggles alike.

Other projects this year include a deep dive into Mayan Civilisation as well and hunting for treasure in the jungle! Exciting!

We maintain our focus on the environment, seeking changes to sustain and promising to reuse and recycle wherever possible and encourage ideas to continue to improve our environment and world.

Our healthy living focus continues, where we continue to keep our minds and bodies healthy with regular mile runs, PE sessions and mindfulness opportunities, as well as supporting healthy eating and drinking plenty of water. We endeavour to use playtime to its full potential of rest and relaxation or sports and activities.

We continue to show kindness wherever we can and a positive attitude to learning at all times!

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

BB King