Art and Design

Back to the Drawing Board


  • The focus throughout the day should be on developing children's drawing skills. Please ensure that all the activities planned allow children to practise and improve their drawing ability.
  • Children can also observe, discuss and evaluate other artists' drawings.
  • Please build in opportunities for children to self-evaluate their artwork.
  • The learning planned should be pitched specifically towards your year group. Feel free to share planning within your year group but not between year groups. It is essential that we are able to demonstrate a progression in the skills children develop as they move through the school.
  • Activities do not necessarily have to relate to your current curriculum topic – this can be a 'stand alone' day to develop children's artistic skills.
  • Consider the stimulus for drawing – you could provide specific objects or experiences to support children's ideas.
  • Consider the resources you plan to use – most classes should now have sets of sketching pencils and charcoal.
  • Identify and share key vocabulary with the children.


  • All work should be recorded in project books.
  • The first piece of work in books should be an overall WALT with key objectives for the day.
  • There should be evidence of at least 5 lessons. This could take a variety of forms, including evidence of practising techniques, application of the techniques learnt in a more sustained piece of artwork, photos, speech bubbles, or written responses to other artists' work.
  • All children should complete the appropriate evaluation form for their key stage at the end of the day.


  • All work should be responded to using butterfly marking and verbal feedback.
  • Throughout the day, please ensure that you speak to each child at least once to offer feedback and to ask them a question to support deeper thinking.